Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Midterm Study Guide



Safety Colors

History of Technology:

Technology: the study of the designed world. Used to solve practical problems and extend human capabilities. Developments in technology are evolutionary, and are often the result of a series of refinements to an idea or basic invention.

Impacts of Technology: are divided into four categories: social (the impact on people), political (the impact on policy and laws), cultural (the impact on human achievement), and economic (the impact on the economy).

Paleolithic Age: the Old Stone Age, occurred between 500,000 BC and 10,000 BC and is marked by improvements to diet and security allowing the population to grow.

Mesolithic Age: the Middle Stone Age, occurred between 10,000 BC and 4,000 BC and is marked by the domestication of animals and agriculture.

Neolithic Age: the New Stone Age, occurred between 4,000 BC and 2,300 BC and is marked by specialization, division of labor, and the use of math and documentation of concepts.

Bronze Age: the architectural period that includes combining copper and tin to produce bronze; occurred between 2,300 BC and 700 BC.

Iron Age: the architectural period marked by the use of iron and steel; occurred between 700 BC and 450 AD.

Middle Ages: the architectural period after the Roman Empire; divided into Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages, and Late Middle Ages; occurred between 450 AD and 1,400 AD and marked by the development of tools of war.

Renaissance: the architectural period marked by the revival of classical influence and the sharing of ideas; occurred between 1,400 AD and 1,750 AD.

Industrial Age: the architectural period marked by the first use of complex machinery, factories and urbanization, occurring between 1,750 AD and 1,950 AD.

Information Age: the architectural period marked by information sharing, gathering, manipulation, and retrieval; occurred between 1,950 AD and present.

Notebook Design:

A design notebook is a way for a designer or engineer to keep history of of his or her design project from start to finish. It is a place to record research, observations, ideas, drawings, comments, and questions to the design project. At the end of the project, someone reviewing your design should fully understand it. 

Label your notebook
Use ink
Number pages 1-200 on outside corner
Create table of contents on pages 1-6

Reverse-engineering is used for many purposes: as a learning tool; as a way to make new, compatible products that are cheaper than what's currently on the market; for making software interoperate more effectively or to bridge data between different operating systems or databases; and to uncover the undocumented features of commercial products.

The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national, non-profit organization of middle and high school students who are engaged in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Since TSA was chartered in 1978, over 2,000,000 student members have participated through challenging competitions, leadership opportunities, and community service.

The Technology Student Association fosters personal growth, leadership, and opportunities in technology, innovation, design, and engineering. Members apply and integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) concepts through co-curricular activities, competitions and related programs.
200,000 middle and high school students
100% likely to graduate from high school
39% female and/or minority representationOver 2500 teachers (advisors)
75% college-boundOver 2000 plus schools in 49 state delegations


Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) are a vital part of Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE). CTSOs play an integral role in preparing students to become college and career ready members of society who hold productive leadership roles in their communities. CTSOs are committed to the growth of students in all CTAE career pathways.
These organizations provide motivation, leadership training, and career development opportunities for students enrolled in Career, Technical and Agricultural Education programs in middle and high schools and enhance their occupational, employability and leadership skills through various activities such as conferences, award programs, service projects, and competitive events. These organizations conduct activities and events at the local, state and national levels in which students can participate and compete.

A wire frame model is an edge or skeletal representation of a real world 3D object using lines and curve.

Surface modeling is a complex way of representing objects. Surface modeling is used in CAD.

Solid modeling consistent set of principles for mathematical and computer modeling.


My name is Joseph I am 15 and my birthday is September 2nd. I like sports and my favorite color is green. I like money and I like to sleep a lot.